Xiao LIU


Dr. Xiao LIU (刘啸 in Chinese) is a senior researcher at MSRA. His current research interests include NLP, LLM and reasoning. He obtained his B.S. degree (June 2016) and Ph.D. degree (June 2022) from BIT. He was awarded the “Excellent Doctoral Dissertation” of CIPS in 2023 (now called “Doctoral Dissertation Incentive Plan”) and of BIT in 2022. He received the Best Paper Runner-Up Award in NeurIPS 2024.

Please visit and star our open-source project Rho on LLM, ProphetNet on generation and SimXNS on retrieval. We are hiring LLM interns! If you’re interested, please contact me through email (xiao.liu.msrasia AT microsoft.com).


2024/09 - Now Microsoft Research Asia, Senior Researcher.
2022/06 - 2024/08 Microsoft Research Asia, Researcher.
2017/09 - 2022/06 Beijing Institute of Technology, Natural Language Processing,
Doctor of Engineering, Supervisor: Heyan Huang.
2019/04 - 2019/09 Nanyang Technological University, Natural Language Processing,
Joint PhD Student funded by CSC, Supervisor: Erik Cambria & Yue Zhang.
2018/08 - 2019/03 Singapore University of Technology and Design, Natural Language Processing,
Joint PhD Student funded by CSC, Supervisor: Yue Zhang.
2012/09 - 2016/06 Beijing Institute of Technology, Computer Science,
Bachelor, Supervisor: Heyan Huang.

Academic Activity

Conference Program Committee / Area Chair / Reviewer: ARR, ICLR, ICML, ACL, EMNLP, EACL, NAACL, COLM, CVPR, AAAI, NLPCC, ECML, NLPCC

Journal Reviewer: TASLP, TKDE, Information Sciences, Pattern Recognition, TALLIP, NEUCOM, PLoS One, JCCE